Export processing in europe

EU countries (domestic trade)

If you are a resident of the European Union as a private individual, you can  contact our team of  Ostfriesland Automobile Team.

Get your car today without any problems and quickly.


For this, we do not need any additional formalities from you.


This means that the vehicle will be sold to you with gross VAT and can be transported directly to the destination Country.


If, on the other hand, you have a company in the EU, you can of course purchase the vehicle (without VAT) according to the following Points.



If you wish to purchase the vehicle as a VAT-free delivery within the scope of our sales tax (net purchase), the following documents must be furnished by you:

1. Commercial registration, register withdrawal and /

     or notarial deed of corporation.  

2. Enter a valid VAT identification number for your company  

3. ID card / passport of the company owner.  

4. Complete information about the company for the purchase.

     contract and invoice.  

5. Binding order / purchase contract signed by the

     company owner including stamp.  

6. Purchase price or deposit by bank transfer from the home country  

7. Authorization of the pick-up (on pickup of the authorized

     representative or freight forwarder).

8. Personnel despatch copy of the agent, not applicable when

     commissioning a freight forwarder.  

9. The pick-up is obliged to identify himself / herself with the

     help of his /her ID card / passport.  

10. Proof of the final shipment of the purchased vehicle to the

     EU country of destination.  

11. For pick-up by a freight forwarder: Cargo letter (CMR)  

12. Confirmation of the payment of VAT in the country of destination.  

13. Please bring the following documents with you:        

     Company stamp, business card and, if necessary, business paper.

Please note that all of the documents submitted to us as well as copies are clear and legible.


We recommend using color scans instead of black-and-white copies.


 Please understand that a purchase-tax-free purchase (net purchase) can only be carried out after complete transmission of your documents.


A submission of the documents is with this type of processing not possible!


Non - EU countries (third countries)

As soon as you drive a vehicle for shipment to a destination country outside the EU, we will be able to provide you with targeted and efficient assistance from Ostfriesland Automobile in all export-specific questions.


 The following requirements apply to all exporters:  


1. Valid passport / passport of the buyer.  

2. Binding order / purchase contract personally signed by the buyer.  

3. Deposit of the value-added tax. 

4. Pick-up authorization and ID card of the pick-up.

5. The pick-up is obliged to identify himself / herself with

    the help of his / her ID card / passport.  

6. When a freight forwarder is assigned: freight paper (CMR).  

7. When the vehicle is handed over: Documents of the transfer permit.  

8. After export: return / return of the export declaration with

   official stamp of the Country of destination and

   competent authorities.

We accept the following points for you against a processing fee:


1. The production of the necessary export documents

   (export certificate, etc.)

2. Customs clearance through our Customs number with 

    demonstration of the purchased vehicle at customs in Emden.  

3. Acquire the required customs / export codes.  

4. The coordination and organization of the freight passages

     for the forwarding, truck and the transport ship.

5. The refund of the VAT deposit will be binding from 3 days after

     receipt of the proofs to be provided by

     bank transfer to the Company.


Ostfriesland Automobile goes:








Emailadresse: info@ostfrieslandautomobile.de

* Soweit Spannbreiten angegeben sind, beziehen sich die Angaben auf Kraftstoffverbrauchs-, CO2-Emissionswerte und Stromverbräuche bzw. Effizienzklassen der Fahrzeugmodelle und ggf. der Reifen-/Rädersätze verschiedener Modelle.

Die Verbrauchswerte wurden auf Basis des ECE-Testzyklus, einem standardisierten Rollenprüfstandverfahren unter Laborbedingungen, ermittelt. Der Kraftstoffverbrauch und die CO2-Emissionen eines Fahrzeugs hängen nicht nur von der effizienten Ausnutzung des Kraftstoffs durch das Fahrzeug ab, sondern werden auch vom Fahrverhalten und anderen nicht technischen Faktoren beeinflusst.

CO2 ist das für die Erderwärmung hauptsächlich verantwortliche Treibhausgas. CO2-Emissionen, die durch die Produktion und Bereitstellung des Kraftstoffes bzw. anderer Energieträger entstehen, werden bei der Ermittlung der CO2-Emissionen gemäß der Richtlinie 1999/94/EG nicht berücksichtigt.

Weitere Informationen zum offiziellen Kraftstoffverbrauch und den offiziellen spezifischen CO2-Emissionen neuer Personenkraftwagen können dem "Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch, die CO2-Emissionen und den Stromverbrauch neuer Personenkraftwagen" entnommen werden, der an allen Verkaufsstellen und bei Deutschen Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT) unentgeltlich erhältlich ist.




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